This document will show you how to add a trigger to a property within a Companion job. This can be especially useful when you have a property that is only relevant for a particular group, category, or vehicle (ie. Electric vehicles, campervans etc.)
During this document, I am going to demonstrate how to hide/show a property dependant on a trigger – we are going to use an Electric Cable property as an example. I only need this to appear for my Electric Car group (ELEC).
1. First you will need to navigate to the below:
- Tools > Setup > Display POL Setup
- Tools > Setup > Display POL Setup
2. From here you will need to select the ‘Mobile Jobs’ and then ‘Job Types’ on the left-hand menu.
3. You will then need to select ‘pencil’ next to the job that the property is present on. For this example I am going to use the Checkout and RA job type.
- If the property is on multiple jobs, you will need to repeat this process on a per-job-basis.
- If you need to know how to create a property, please follow the below Knowledge Base article.
- Insert KB Article Here
4. Once you have entered the job builder, find the page your property is on and then click on the ‘pencil’ icon to edit the page.
5. Then select the three dots (…) next to the property that you would like to apply the trigger against and click ‘Edit Property’.
- Trigger Always.
- Apply within a Vehicle Category.
- Apply within a Vehicle Group.
- Apply within a Model Type.
- Apply within a Specific Model.
- Apply to Individual Vehicles.
- Apply within a phase of a job.
9. The property will appear as per the below, which visualises that it will only appear when the job is created against a group ELEC vehicle.
If there are multiple jobs that this property is present on, and the same trigger is required, then you will need to repeat the steps above for each individual job type.