Prohire - Create a new tariff

A tariff is how the booking gets the charges, in Prohire you will need to create a tariff for every new and exsisting group. Without a tariff the booking will not pull any charge through.

To create a new tariff, go Tools => Setup => Tariffs => New Tariff.

After you have clicked on the New Tariff button you will be presented with the Select Tariff Template screen.

In this screen select the Template that you want to use as the basis for this tariff. Then click OK.
In the Tariff Details screen enter in all mandatory fields.
Tariff Active: untick this box if you do not want this tariff
to be used.
Template Name: displays the Tariff Template this tariff is using.
Rate Name: enter in the name you want to call this tariff.
Group: select the Vehicle Group this tariff is being created for.
Tariff Name: this field will be pre-populated just by clicking in this box.
Excess Mileage Rate: enter in the mileage rate you charge for excess mileage
XS No CDW: enter in your Insurance Excess if the client does not take the CDW charge
XS with CDW: enter in your Insurance Excess if the client does take the CDW charge
Minimum Age: specify the minimum age the client must be for the client to use this tariff rate
Combo Tariff: tick this box if you use Combo tariff rates
Dependent Tariff – Parent Tariff Name: if you wish this tariff rate to be linked to another tariff rate, from where it will get its rates, click Change and select the require tariff.
Valid From: specify the start date that this tariff can be used from
Valid To: tick this box and specify and end date of when this tariff will no longer be used from, or leave unticked if you want this tariff to carry on indefinitely.

After you have entered all your necessary information on this screen, click on Tariff Items and in this screen we will begin entering in all your rates.

Upon entering this screen you will find a list of all your chargeable items down the left hand side and empty boxes underneath the Tariff Periods that you previously created. It is in these empty boxes that you will enter your rates against each tariff item.
If you do not have a fixed price for a charge item it can be left empty and the user will need to
enter the rate when it’s added to the booking.
There are two methods you can use when entering your rates, the first method involves typing directly into the box or the other method is use the Charge Editor located at the bottom of the screen.
While you get used to the various short codes used when entering tariffs, we recommend you use the Charge Editor facility.
To enter a rate for a charge item click on the empty box under the required tariff period, you will now see the cursor flashing and you just need to type in the rate you want to charge. If you wish the charge to be a fixed amount, irrespective of the booking length, prefix you rate the character “F”. Any rates you enter will assumed to be Net Rates, if however you wish to enter Gross rates you will need to prefix your rate by the character “G”, so a daily rate would be G25 and a fixed rate would be entered as GF25.
The Miles charge item is a special item, when it comes to entering a rate you would just enter in
the allowance for that period and if it’s a fixed mileage allowance you will just prefix it with an
“F”. If you leave a field blank for miles the system will take it to mean Unlimited miles.
The second method for entering rates involves using the Charge Editor. An advantage of using this method is that you have greater flexibility on how you setup your rates, as you’ll see. To enter in a rate, click on the empty box.
Entering a Daily Rate

Charge Type: Select the type of rate you want to create from the list of three. If you want to enter a daily rate chose Charge Per Unit.
Charge: Enter the daily rate you want to charge for the item.
Gross Value: if you want this rate to be a gross value tick this box, else the rate entered will be a Net amount.
Entering a Fixed Amount Rate

Charge Type: Select the Fixed Charge type to charge a fixed amount for the period selected.
Charge: Enter the amount you want to charge for this item on the selected period.
Fixed Total (Combo Tariff): this box only needs to be checked if the tariff rate being created is a
Combo Tariff. What this item does is to ensure the charge calculates correctly when going over the weekly period. So for example if you charge £25 for delivery, ticking this box will ensure the client is only charged £25 irrespective what length the hire is for.
Gross Value: Check this box if the value being entered needs to be a Gross amount, or it will be
assumed the value is a Net amount.
Entering a Percentage Dependant Charge

Prohire allows you to setup charge items who’s value will be derived from a.) another charge, b.)
another period and c.) even a tariff. The most common use for this type of charge is for Foreign
Travel, where it’s typically a percentage of another item, i.e. Rental.
Charge Type: select Percentage of Another Charge if you wish to charge a percentage value of another item.
Charge: Enter the percentage value you wish to use for this item.
Dependent on: Select the type of dependency you want for this item, i.e.
- Parent Tariff Charge: select this option if you want the item to be dependent on the master
- Another Period: select this option if you want this item to be dependent on another period
on this tariff rate
- Another Charge: select this option if you want this item to be dependent on another
charge on this tariff rate.
Gross Value: check this box if you want the resultant amount to be a Gross amount
If you leave any cells empty these will appear on the Rental Charges as zero so the Front Desk users
will then be required to enter the necessary amounts.
After entering all the rates you want click Save Tariff or Close to exit screen without saving.