Setup - Referrer

Referrer’s allow you to track how much business is coming from your referral programs, this guide covers how to configure these on your system.

In Prohire a Referrer is anybody that has passed customer details to you and you want to track this information. For example if you have a number of sales staff or hotels who help promote your business, then when their customer’s come rent vehicles from you this information can then be tracked against that specific client.

Accessing Referrer Configuration

From the front screen of Prohire select Tools > Setup > System Setup

Once the Setup screen appears select ‘Referrer.

Referrer Setup

To create new Referrer’s to assign to your clients, click New.

Enter in the Referrer name and select Save. To undo this change select cancel. 

You will now see the referrer name in the list below which is ready for use.

You can then search for bookings based on the referrer from the booking list search.