Proweb - How to setup a meet & greet location - what's its purpose

This Guide will walk you through how you can set up a meet-and-greet location and what it is used for

What is it for?

A meet and greet location are a something that can be set up for Proweb that allows customers to book a vehicle and pick it up or drop it off at a specific location. For example, if your business is close to the airport you may want to set up a meet and greet location to give your customers the option to pick the vehicle up or drop it off there rather than having to make their way from the airport to you using other means of transport.

These locations also allow you to set different operating hours for different sites. For example, you could have 1 site that you can pick up or drop off to but only on Mondays etc.

If you would like to know any more about operating hours and how they work, I have included a link to the operating hours guide below.


How to set one up

The first thing you will need to do is follow the below steps to access the meet and greet locations section of prohire online (POL)


Tools > Setup > Display POL Setup > Meet and greet locations

Your screen should now look like this.

As you can see, we already have a meet and greet location for Stansted, but I will add another one with a different location.

Click the new button in the top right. From here you will need to select a site code. Its best to keep these codes as short as possible. For example, I will be adding Stansted Airport so my code will be “SA”. Now click create.

Your screen should then look like mine below, though I have already filled out all the mandatory fields. There are some other fields that can be filled in if you would like to include any additional information, but they are not mandatory.

Please note, in the below example the meet and greet location of Stansted airport has been set to Sittingbourne as its base location. This will mean that Stansted airport will use Sittingbourne’s fleet and availability when a customer searches for a vehicle at Stansted airport. If the customer requests a vehicle from Stansted airport, arrangements will then be made for a vehicle available at Sittingbourne to be used for the hire

When a booking is made at Stansted airport, the booking will appear against the Sittingbourne allocation chart as that has been set as the base site.

Once you have entered all the required details, click save to add your new meet and greet location.

You will now notice that another meet and greet site has been added and when we come to test this on Proweb ourselves we can see that a new site has been added.